We are Coma,
A necessary pause,

Because before you go on, it’s necessary to stop for a moment to reflect, explore and discover what you can do to innovate.

We are an independent firm at the service of people, institutions and society that offers analysis, strategy and support to foster talent and leadership.

We possess the experience and our own way of knowing, acting and being to find sensible and responsible solutions.

With Coma you don’t stop, You keep walking,


rinciples, start,

Coma was started by Carles Adamuz, political scientist, coach and expert in strategic narrative for innovation and leadership.

His entrepreneurial spirit has led him to develop a career with an interdisciplinary focus, combining strategic consulting in social innovation and political consulting aimed at leaders in academic management, teaching and university research,

See profile on LinkedIn

apabilities, capability,

At Coma we’re ready to use innovation and leadership in four big areas:

  • - Personal
  • - Social
  • - Political
  • - Institutional and Business,


At Coma, we’ve fashioned the best team of professionals, able to meet the needs and demands of our clients, with whom we work together in a co-creative process based in an positive mindset that reinforces the will to innovate.

We provide analytical and technical rigor that originates in an integral vision oriented towards taking strategic decisions, and in doing so we anticipate the circumstances and problems that may arise.

We start with ideas generated with our own methodology, from resilience, adaptation, anticipation and transformation to achieve tangible results.

We propose integral solutions for complex realities, and a capability to transform them.

We create value through values,


From people,
to people,

There are moments when you need to make a significant change in some area of your life.

Starting a process of personal innovation may help you face it in an effective way.

At Coma we partner with you in a process that will help you define and measure your goals; it will also help you explore, organize and describe the situation in which you find yourself; it will lead you to establish an action and improvement plan that you will be in a position to commit to and thus be able to meet the challenges you face.

Based on our methodology, originated in narrative coaching and strategic narrative, we’ll provide you with tools, support and structure for a better self-knowledge, growth and improvement that will allow you create conditions for a sustainable change, talent development and self-leadership.

From an advanced intervention model we generate a pause in our clients that becomes a strategic tool for them to adopt an innovative mentality, see all they can be, achieve in an effective, aware and responsible way their goals, and therefore, obtain better results,

  • - Leadership by values and change management.
  • - Social skills development.
  • - Emotional competencies regulation.
  • - Conflict and problem resolution.
  • - Self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.


Social innovation is an essential tool for strategic change management in complex societies.

At Coma we want to contribute to the transformation of public agencies in actors oriented towards the citizens by achieving innovative public and social policies, capable of identifying and meeting social needs in favor of unity and the common good.

We offer consulting services in social innovation aimed at government, foundations, associations and NGOs, training centers, Political Parties, Policy Research Centers and Think Tanks, the Media, Schools and Professional Associations.

We provide analysis, planning and assessment of social intervention strategies in the areas of local economic development, participatory governance, social inclusion, accommodation of cultural pluralism or gender diversity,

  • - Policy and technical advice on the management of processes, projects and programs.
  • - Social Diagnosis oriented towards making strategic decisions.
  • - Planning, public and social policies design.
  • - Monitoring mapping and assessment of plans and policies.
  • - Design Thinking.
  • - Consultative coaching.

Policies, politicians,

Current public-political leaderships, in order to be ethical and efficient, need professionals around to help them think and imagine the art of the impossible, so that later they can inspire what is possible.

At Coma, we generate a confidential space for dialogue and reflection that will allow you to assess better your options for action and make decisions consistent with your way of thinking, feeling and with your personal and political project. Through this dialogue, you’ll be aware of your actions, take them over and you’ll positively influence, with full consistency, your professional and personal environment.

Our work is directed to professionals in politics, top public management and representatives of organizations who work in the public sector.

We invite you take a break in your ongoing tasks and start a quiet process of internal inquiry to go deeper than the restless surface of your daily life. This way you’ll manage to give a new and important meaning to your job and your life.

We accompany you on your leadership not only to transform society, but also to work explicitly on your own internal conditions from which you act, on what moves you, motivates and gives meaning to what you do,

  • - Identification and improvement of internalization, representation and political discourse communication capabilities.
  • - Expansion of mental frameworks for mapping the environment, the generation of alternatives and strategic problem solving.
  • - Development and regulation of emotional, social and existential intelligence.
  • - Enhancing managerial skills and competencies of leadership values.
  • - Alignment of the political and personal projects.
  • - Management of career transition and professional future processes.
  • - Management influence.
  • - Strategic political communication.

Organizations, organization,

  • Analysis of the human dimension of the organization.
  • - Conceptualization of processes for improved management of internal communication.
  • - Executive coaching and organizational leadership.
  • - Creating a corporate storytelling.

At Coma we want to help create emotionally intelligent organizations, promoting their most important asset: human capital.

We believe that the pillars of an efficient and sustainable economic growth are personal responsibility, leadership based on the values and the development of a human organizational culture. It is essential to have people who are capable of exercising different leadership style to assist the consolidation of innovation processes.

To achieve this, we support organizations in their learning, training and development, proposing a new model of leadership based on shared responsibility and consistent with the values of the company, in its three dimensions: personal, relational and cultural,


The expertise and reputation of Coma has also opened the door to the training of professionals in different fields and institutions.

We believe that training is a safe bet in an environment of change, and our innovative and highly practical approach has shown very positive effects.

We accompany professionals and institutions in learning processes and talent development through in-company programs of high level, customized in a process of co-creation.

In this process we identify and treat key strategic factors and design a program that provides the tools necessary to achieve the competitive advantage that the professional or organization is looking for.

The in-company training is presented as an essential resource to help achieve goals, find business solutions and assist in the planning and implementation of development-oriented actions,

  • - Training programs on innovation and leadership.
  • - In-Company Training Programs.
  • - Academic management and teaching in postgraduate studies.
  • - Seminars, conferences and experience talks.

End, tune,

In fact, the stories that pass through our hands never end. There is always room for improvement, this is our goal: make the best of every person, every situation, in every place.

Hence there is never a final period, but another comma.

A brief pause to breath and continue,

With our methodology and experience, dozens of people, institutions and companies have managed to achieve a greater degree of innovation.

Some of them are:

Ajuntament de Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona, Departament de Cultura, Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies, Secretaria de Joventut, Agència Catalana de Joventut, Generalitat de Catalunya, Ministerio de Cultura, Instituto de la Mujer, Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES, Chile), Economic Commision for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC–CEPAL), United Nations, AECID (Colombia, Uruguay, Bolivia), Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación (Gobierno de España), MRI Palo Alto (California), Instituto Igualdad (Chile), Grupo Capsis (Chile), Ajuntament de Sant Cugat del Vallès, Ajuntament de Girona, Ajuntament de Rubí, Ajuntament d’Igualada, Ajuntament de Badia del Vallès, Ajuntament de Barberà del Vallès, Ajuntament de Valls, Ajuntament de Lloret de Mar, Ajuntament de Vallirana, Ajuntament de Vilanova i la Geltrú, Ajuntament de Bot, Ajuntament de Corbera d’Ebre, Ajuntament de la Fatarella, Ajuntament de Batea, Ajuntament de Gandesa, Consell Comarcal de la Terra Alta, Consell Comarcal del Montsià, Consell Comarcal de la Ribera d’Ebre, Consell Comarcal de la Segarra, Consell Comarcal del Ripollès, Fundació Jaume Bofill, Col·legi de Politòlegs i Sociòlegs de Catalunya, Institut d’Educació Contínua, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Universidad Católica (Chile), Caixa Balears, AELC, Ateneu Barcelonès, Casa de Letras (Argentina), Acadèmia de les Ciències Mèdiques i de la Salut de Catalunya i de Balears, Gestmusic Endemol, Omnicom Media Group, DDB , Think small, LP Transformative Communication, Institut Gomà, Escola de Coaching Teleològic, Sionauta, Zigurat, RAC1, RKB.

If you want us to help you innovate, improve and build momentum, do not stop here.

Contact us,

T 933 684 317 | 616 698 895

Rbla. Catalunya, 53 Àtic
08007 Barcelona

Còrsega, 269 Pral. 4a
08008 Barcelona